Redefining Bravery: One Story, One Woman, One Voice At a Time

Join host Rachael Evans as she speaks with brave women from all walks of life,
exploring the question:
How do you define Bravery?
Find your own definition of Bravery alongside Rachael and her guests
as they explore less-than-traditional ways
to define this often-misunderstood characteristic.
Rachael interviews influential and inspiring women
about facing their fears,
persevering through obstacles great and small
and recognizing that Bravery doesn’t belonginside one narrow box.
Instead, we must highlight the ways in which women show up courageously,
day in and day out, and call it what it is:
Add Your Voice to the Conversation
Apply to Be a Guest on The Very Brave Podcast or Invite Rachael
to Be a Guest on Your Podcast
Explore Podcast Episodes

The Brave Voice with Angela Vithoulkas
Angela Vithoulkas is a first-generation Australian making big waves in business and politics with a unique viewpoint. Having owned hospitality, radio, and television businesses as well as campaigning on the political front, Angela paints a beautiful image of the bravery of operating within multiple male-domiated industries without losing her voice.

The Brave Voice with Natasha Stott Despoja
Natasha Stott Despoja was the youngest woman to ever sit in federal parliament at the age of 26. She and I speak about what it means to be brave enough to speak out against the injustices we see, even if it’s not popular or the consequences may be unfavorable.

Tall Poppy Syndrome – Brave Rave with Rach
In this episode, Rachael Evans shines some light on Tall Poppy Syndrome and how we can come together as women to celebrate our successes, regardless of social groups or memberships. All success should be celebrated!

Brave Intuition with Lisa Winston
Lisa Winston is setting the stage for women everywhere to embrace their bravery and lean into their life’s true purpose. As a former vocalist, TV host, speaker, author, and mother, she is bravely encouraging others to listen to their intuition and follow their hearts to achieve the purpose they were meant for.