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Bravely Leaning into Rest with Shannah Kennedy


“I just really try and show up every day. I think that’s the most important thing, for me, as a brave and courageous and kind and calm and confident human.”

You are the asset. You are the glue keeping things together. So you need to take care of you. This was made painfully clear to Shannah Kennedy as she navigated a lucrative but life stealing career in sports.

She was Jerry Maguire. She was buying and selling athletes for various teams and she very much lost herself in the job and the identity that it gave her. She was amazing at her job, but it took so much from her.

What she didn’t realize was that her career was literally stealing the life from her. She ended up with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and was in bed for a couple of years. Not days, not weeks, not months, years. That was when she realized she needed a better plan.

Shannah needed a better life plan. And it wasn’t just her who needed it. The athletes she was working with needed a life plan as well. They’d planned for their careers, but what came next?

She took the brave step to become a life coach and abandon her corporate career and that’s when things really started to get interesting. She is now an author, speaker, and consultant and every single new thing required a great deal of courage and bravery.

Listen as she shares her story and her brave moves. What would it take you to take a leap of faith and start living life with a plan?


Shannah Kennedy

Shannah Kennedy had an incredible career in sports management and sponsorship working with over 100 Olympic and elite athletes until she hit burnout and was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and depression. She hired a life coach for herself to shift out of the darkness, review, reset and refocus her life. In 2000 she studied to be one of Melbourne’s first life coaches, focusing on coaching athletes into retirement after seeing so much destruction in their lives outside of sport. Shannah Kennedy is now a leading business and life coach and master strategist, trusted by her clients across the spectrum of business, sport and entertainment. She challenges people to rethink their relationships to work, wellbeing and life. “We work to discover
who you really are without the title.”

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